
Poetic Licenses

His lips were like hot chocolate during first winter’s snow
Warm cocoa skin against caramel
What mysteries abound amongst the locs flowing from his head
Clearly the King has granted me a prince to co-rule my kingdom
The wisdom of Solomon in his prime gracefully passes from his mind to the swells of his lips
How soothing, the comfort of a man custom tailored to my soul
I fight to stay worthy of my Adonis
Constantly I work to build up my mind
Equality in intellectual pursuits and goals
My body is a temple, he is the solitary monk
He leaves offerings at the altar
Sweet kisses, subtle touches
And I, a student of the new school known as He
Sit at his feet taking in all he has to offer
Quite the willing pupil he finds me
And here after the teaching and preaching has ceased for the night

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